One moment in time quotes
One moment in time quotes

one moment in time quotes

"Next time life's GPS sends you astray, take a deep breath, hold on tight and get ready for the ride." - Michelle Sutter."Don't let the world tell you who you are, only you get to decide." - Jennifer Truesdale.The horse might have a simpler mind, but the heart was just as big.

one moment in time quotes

Daemon gasped as Dark Dancer jerked the reins free and raced down the path toward the field. To never again see those arms held out in welcome. He had the odd sensation he was the one being talked to, explained to, and his words, echoing back, lacerated his heart. For a moment, something rippled in his mind. After that, he couldn't keep his voice from breaking as he tried to explain why Jaenelle was never going to come to the tree again, why there would be no more rides, no more caresses, no more talks. For the first time, he truly saw the intelligence - and loneliness - in the horse's eyes. "I wanted to say good-bye," Daemon said quietly. The stallion jiggled the bit, reminding him he wasn't alone. Daemon dismounted and leaned against the tree, staring in the direction of the house. This involved a transcendence and a boundary crossing no less fundamental than that of the Christian, and Christ undertook it so as to entrust himself henceforth within time, with no guarantee or mitigation from eternity, to the Father's will, which is always given to him in the present moment. Whereas by venturing to let go of everything the Christian takes a stand beyond finitude and comes into the limitlessness of God, Christ, in order to make this act possible and to be its source, has dared to emerge from the infinitude of the 'form of God' and 'did not think equality with God a thing to be grasped,' has dared to set out into the limitation and emptiness of time. 12:2), because he has to accomplish the same act as the Christian, only in the opposite direction, as it were. Nevertheless, in a passage that is very often commented upon because it summarizes the entire salvific economy of faith, the Apostle calls Christ the 'pioneer and perfecter of our faith' (Heb.

One moment in time quotes